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Commemorative and Memorial Trees

Commemorative and memorial tree plantings follow the Olmsted Restoration Plan in that, along with the designated purpose of the tree, the planting also serves as an important historic preservation activity in locating a desired species in a desired location based on our historic base map for 1884. Below is a representative listing of 11 of our most interesting Commemorative and Memorial Trees.  These special trees serve as a vehicle in experiencing a bit of American history. Additionally the Capitol grounds has dozens of unique specimens and is generally considered to be an arboretum and is managed following those principles and practices.

9/11 Anniversary Tree

9/11 Anniversary Tree
Memorial Tree for Victims of 9/11. Quercus bicolor, Swamp White Oak.

Anne Frank Tree

Anne Frank Tree
Memorial Tree for Anne Frank. Aesculus hippocastanum, Horse Chestnut.

Arbor Day Founder Tree

Arbor Day Founder Tree
Commemorative Tree for the 100th Anniversary of the birth of J. Sterling Morton, the Founder of Arbor Day, and the Bicentennial of George Washington. Juglans nigra, Black Walnut.

Chief Sequoyah Tree

Chief Sequoyah Tree
Commemorative Tree for Chief Sequoyah. Sequoiadendron giganteum, Giant Sequoia.

Emmett Till Tree

Emmett Till Tree
Memorial Tree for Emmett Till. Plantanus occidentalis, American Sycamore.

End of Watch Tree

End of Watch Tree
Memorial tree for U.S. Capitol Police Detective John Gibson and Officer Jacob Chestnut. Ulmus Americana, American Elm 'Valley Forge'.

Lady Bird Johnson Tree

ELady Bird Johnson Tree
Memorial Tree for Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson. Cornus kousa, Kousa Dogwood.

Liberty Tree Seedling

Liberty Tree Seedling
'Liberty Tree from St Johns College'. Liriodendron tulipifera, Tulip Tree.

People of Connecticut Tree

People of Connecticut Tree
Commemorative Tree for the people of Connecticut, The 'Charter Oak'. Quercus alba, White Oak.

Speaker Joe Cannon Tree

Speaker Joe Cannon Tree
Tree planted by former Speaker Joe Cannon. Quercus rubra, Red Oak.

Sullivan Brothers Trees

Sullivan Brothers Trees
Memorial Trees for the Five Sullivan Brothers. Malus floribunda, Crabapple.

Wangari Maathai Tree

Wangari Maathai Tree
Commemorative Tree for Wangari Maathai. Koelruteria paniculata, Golden Rain Tree.