Maria L. Sanford
Capitol Visitor Center
Evelyn Raymond (1958)

About This Statue
Maria Sanford was born on December 19, 1836. Her love for education began early; at the age of 16 she was already teaching in county day schools. She graduated from Connecticut Normal School. She rose in the ranks of local and national educators, becoming principal and superintendent of schools in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and serving as professor of history at Swarthmore College from 1871 to 1880.
- She was one of the first women named to a college professorship.
- During her tenure at the University of Minnesota (1880–1909), Sanford was a professor of rhetoric and elocution, and she lectured on literature and art history.
- She championed the rights of women and African Americans, pioneered the concept of adult education, and became a founder of parent-teacher organizations.
- Sanford was also a leader in the conservation and beautification program of her new state.
- She traveled throughout the United States delivering more than 1,000 patriotic speeches.
- She died on April 21, 1920.
- In June of that year the University of Minnesota held a memorial convocation in her honor. She was called "the best loved woman of the North Star State."