John Stark
Carl Conrads (1894)

About This Statue
John Stark was born in Londonderry, New Hampshire, on August 28, 1728. Growing up in a frontier community gave Stark the skills he would use in later life as a successful military leader. Hunting, fishing, and scouting were among the pioneer activities necessary for survival in the harsh wilderness.
- His first formal military action was during the French and Indian War, when he served with Roger's Rangers and attained the rank of captain.
- News of the Battle of Lexington called Stark to war again.
- Appointed colonel of a regiment of New Hampshire militia, he fought in several decisive battles during the American Revolution and achieved a reputation as a leader and shrewd tactician.
- His tactical success was due to independence and decisiveness. By ignoring orders, he engaged his men in a battle whose outcome prompted Congress to promote him to the rank of brigadier general.
- At the end of the American Revolution, he was elevated to major general.
- Following this promotion, he retired to his farm in New Hampshire, where he spent the rest of his life.
- He died on May 8, 1822, and is buried on his farm, which is now a New Hampshire state park.