Capitol Conversation - The Nation’s Attic: John Quincy Adams & the Smithsonian Institution
Capitol Conversation - The Nation’s Attic: John Quincy Adams & the Smithsonian Institution
On June 27, 1829, British scientist James Smithson left his fortune “to found at Washington…an Establishment for the increase & diffusion of knowledge among men.” Join us to explore the life and times of Smithson and the roles of Congress and John Quincy Adams in the creation and development of the Smithsonian Institution.
The Nation’s Stage
The Nation’s Stage
Marisol Escobar and the Statue of Father Damien
Marisol Escobar and the Statue of Father Damien
This program will discuss the work of Marisol Escobar, the first Hispanic artist to have a statue in the National Statuary Hall Collection, as well as her statue of Father Damien, sent by the state of Hawaii in 1969.
The Nation’s Attic: John Quincy Adams & the Smithsonian Institution
The Nation’s Attic: John Quincy Adams & the Smithsonian Institution
On June 27, 1829, British scientist James Smithson left his fortune “to found at Washington…an Establishment for the increase & diffusion of knowledge among men.” Join us to explore the life and times of Smithson and the roles of Congress and John Quincy Adams in the creation and development of the Smithsonian Institution.
A Place of Their Own: The Lindy Claiborne Boggs Congressional Women’s Reading Room
A Place of Their Own: The Lindy Claiborne Boggs Congressional Women’s Reading Room
Since the election of Jeannette Rankin, women in Congress have changed the physical blueprint of the Capitol. Learn about the Congressional Women's Reading Room and its namesake Louisiana Rep. Lindy Claiborne Boggs.
Watergate 50th Anniversary Special Exhibit
Watergate 50th Anniversary Special Exhibit
Tape Recorder
Closed today
Closed today
The Capitol Visitor Center is closed today. 
Education Program – Family Program
Education Program – Family Program
Create a Capitol craft project. Young visitors and their accompanying adults meet in the Democracy Lab.
Education Program – Family Program
Education Program – Family Program
Create a Capitol craft project. Young visitors and their accompanying adults meet in the Democracy Lab.
Capitol Conversation - Amelia Earhart: The Woman, the Myth, the Legend
Capitol Conversation - Amelia Earhart: The Woman, the Myth, the Legend
Learn about Amelia Earhart’s high-flying life and her statue given to the National Statuary Hall Collection by Kansas in 2022.
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